Thursday, August 18, 2011

Level Up Campaign

So I'm attempting to bring this blog back to life, regardless of how un-user friendly and completely backwards Blogger is.

Last semester we were asked to create a fictional campaign based on a community issue that pisses you off. After being told animal rights and vegetarianism were too 'depressing', I did the obvious thing and opted for video games. The campaign is based on educating parents and the media on the positive effects of gaming and inspiring gamers to take the skills and intuition they learn in the virtual world and apply it to their everyday lives, contributing to the community and possibly changing the world.

The Poster Design consisted of an advertising on one side, and 1000 words on the other side outlining the purpose and collateral of the campaign. I wasn't entirely happy with the outcome, it was extremely simple and not entirely clever but I though I'd share it anyway.

This semester I am working on re-branding the campaign and here's just a couple of the elements I've thrown together so far.

The infographics were accompanied by a bunch of body copy in my presentation, So you'll have to just guess what they represent. Point is, they look pretty.

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