Thursday, April 28, 2011


Foo Fighters - Next Year

The Foo Fighters are one of those bands who have always been with me. I can remember watching the hilarious video for 'big me' with my older sister back when Channel V was called Red. I remember being blown away by Gondry's surreal video for 'Everlong' and I remember just a few years ago when they released 'the best of you' and restored my hope in radio friendly music.

It's quite a strange thing actually. I am first and foremost, a fan of heavy music. Same goes for all my buddies but everyone of us seems to love and adore this band. I was discussing it with a friend just a couple of weeks ago and he reminded me that Dave Grohl is primarily a hard dude. He's into hard bands, he played in Nirvana and hangs out with Lemmy Motorhead. I guess in that respect it kind of makes sense. He also seems to be the friendliest guy in rock n roll and I totally respect the fact that after the demise of one of the most impactful bands of our time, he completely reinvented himself and rose to the top all over again.

Now, There is nothing left to lose isn't my favourite Foo Fighters record (that would be One by One). In fact, Next Year isn't even my favourite song (Everlong is) but it gives me a certain feeling that only a few songs can, ever. You see, when I was in high school, I would spend most nights staying up late finishing assignments and enduring small panic attacks. My tiny bedroom TV would be on to keep me company and at about 2am, a little show called Ed would come on. Ed was a charming comedy about a small town lawyer who worked out of a bowling alley and pursued his high school sweetheart. It was light, feel-good and just the small chunk of relaxation that I needed at the time. Point is, Its theme song was Next year by the Foo Fighters and it was like a breath of fresh air.

To this day, when life becomes just a touch overwhelming, I pop this song on my ipod and close my eyes. I have a few friends who understand my affection for this song and they feel exactly the same way. There is just something about it.

So to wrap up this week's edition of Zombie Jams, A) It is completely fine to be into heavy music and listen to the Foo Fighters and B) Somebody should probably release an Ed Box set on DVD, because I would buy the shit out of it.

Friday, April 22, 2011




Long, long time ago I was in a band called Corsairs (Formerly BelaLugosi). We were very, young very excited and kind of crappy. We had a lot of fun though, and tonight I'm feeling particularly nostalgic. We wrote and recorded a record sometime in 08' and thought it was the greatest thing ever created. I'm actually listening to it right now, and although I can see where a bunch of the ideas came from, the songs are mostly long, convoluted and confused. Fun to hear though, I can remember each individual thought and feeling from the time. Each song acts like an aural diary entry.

This blog is particularly entertaining. Seems I used to really like the word dope.

Anyway, it was all a learning curve and a huge part of who I am today, so I thought I'd share it.

Oh, and that EP is still up at:

if anyone's curious.

Monday, April 18, 2011

prints of darkness

It feels like it's been a millennia since I updated this thing and for that I am truly sorry. What can I say though? Real life has been a little too fun and school is getting sort of busy. The last two weeks have ruled monolithically and aside from a broken finger and a distinct lack of udon in my life, things are cool-ish. I did have a dream about the world ending and the earth being engulfed by Lovecraftian Sea beasts this morning, but that was kind of as awesome as it was utterly terrifying.

Anyway, Here is some design work me and some friends produced recently. It was for a fictional campaign funded by Arts NSW to promote the evils of stage-parenting and child stardom, we did it with a satyrical 60's grindhouse flavour and called it kidsploitation.